Tel: 1-507-794-0116

Make yourself a priority.
You are worth it.

Whether you are preparing for a race, pregnant, working long hours, retired, postpartum, or simply wanting to put your health first, there is a place for you here!
I take a full body approach helping you feel your best in any stage of life you are in.
Chiropractic care for the whole family!

Specializing In:

*Webster Certified*
Common Conditions:
Back Pain / Sciatica
Round Ligament Pain
SPD (pubic symphysis pain)
Tailbone Pain
Common Conditions:
Diastasis Recti
Neck / Shoulder / Wrist Pain
Pelvic Pain & Dysfunction
Leg / Knee / Foot Pain
Jaw / TMJ Pain
Common Conditions:
Torticollis (head turning dysfunction)
Tongue / Lip Tie Support
Ear Infections / Congestion
Digestive Issues (Reflux / Gas)
Plagiocephaly (flat spots on head)

Common Conditions:
Ear Aches
Digestive Issues
Concentration Concerns
Asthma / Allergies
Injuries from Playing

Sports Care
Common Conditions:
Sprains / Strains
Shin Splints
Rotator Cuff Injuries
Neck / Back / Hip / Leg / Knee / Ankle / Shoulder / Elbow / Wrist Pain
*Common conditions are listed to give an idea of what chiropractic care may help individuals with​.